3 Facts About Cobwebs

January 11, 2021 | Cincinnati

When you picture cobwebs in your mind, you probably conjure up images of old, abandoned homes or dusty attics. However, cobwebs can be found just about anywhere in your home. These tangles of sticky thread tend to appear and even reappear out of the blue. What’s even more puzzling for homeowners is that they don’t find any spiders with these cobwebs. If you’re wondering where these dirty, sticky webs come from here, then let Lawn Plus Pest Control Services explain.

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Do Spiders Invade Homes in the Winter?

January 1, 2020 | Cincinnati

Fortunately for all arachnophobes and everyone else, the answer is no, spiders don’t seek warm places during the wintertime. Still, it can be unnerving to see more and more spiders in your home, so the question still remains – why are spiders in your home, and what can you do about them? Lawn Plus Pest Control has all the info you need to make the right choices for controlling spiders in your home. 

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